"Moving Stories" - Songs by Howard Katz (N./Y.) 2013
This story-program is an autobiographical evening told in Music-Story and Body: Howard Katz - performance-artist and musician from N.Y.C. - shares his life from his time as a teenager in the 70's in NYC till his life today in Berlin.
Songs in English and broken German and French.
Sa., 2.März 2013
in der Kulturdrogerie
Beginn: 19:00 Uhr
Howard Katz, Choreographer, Teacher, Performer, Musician was born, raised and studied in NYC. He has been teaching and developing dance and performance technique for over 20 years. He danced and collaborated with Donald Byrd, David Parsons, Clive Thompson, NYC Opera Company, Frey Faust, among others. Howard has choreographed, directed and produced over 50 productions world wide and 9 CDs are circulating from his various music projects. One of his latest pieces ‘The Trial of Howard Katzz’ is a multi-media tour de force, with video by Keyframed and music by Felix Zoepf. In 2008 Howard launched the company LiveFilmWorks: The perfect integration of live performance, video projection and music. His newest work is titled Shorz, with the brilliant cellist and performance artist Mathias Herrmann. He has just returned from *documenta (13)* where he spent the summer performing for Tino Segahl. He also curated a performance series at the *documenta (13)* called UrbanFolkHappenings at the Huganaughten House.